Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) excellence is a Prime Contracting Group Core Value. We are committed to integrating EHS excellence into all operations to ensure the safety and health of our employees, subcontractors, customers, visitors and the communities the company operates in, and to conduct all activities in an environmentally responsible manner.
Some highlights of our Environmental, Health and Safety Management System include:
- A fully staffed EHS Department comprised of a Corporate Safety Director, Regional Safety Managers, Site Safety Coordinators, and Claim Managers.
- Extensive educational and training policies for all field and management personnel.
- Planning and risk assessments conducted at the project level, task level and daily at each work area.
- Drug & alcohol free workplace policy.
- Medical surveillance program to optimize employee health.
- Safety incentives to recognize and reward positive achievements toward safety and health performance (not based on the incident reporting).
Comprehensive and continuous training and education is one of the foundations of our success. We equip our employees with the skills and knowledge necessary to perform their work in the safest manner possible.
Training and Education include:
- OSHA 10/30 Hour Courses
- Safety Leadership
- Confined Space Entry
- Competent Person Classes
- Hazard Communication including Asbestos, Lead, Crystalline Silica and other hazardous materials.
- Heavy Equipment and Defensive Driving Classes
- Supervisor Safety Meetings and Toolbox Talks